Spam Fire
June 19, 2009
Light up the fire! Hide your email and report spam, with spamfire!
Bestsellers and Search on Rakuten, Amazon and Yahoo! Shopping
June 16, 2009
Very easy search and very easy bestseller check on Rakuten, and Yahoo! Shopping for Japanese and for others.
Ubuntu-CZ Menu
June 03, 2009
Ubuntu-CZ - Menu
Smart Find
June 03, 2009
A Smart way to Find the most similar word in the page. In this extension, we present an improvement to the Find method in Firefox, which allows a user to find a word by just giving clues to the method. SmartFind allows the user to use the ...
| - Podr?™czna Lista Rachunk??w
May 30, 2009
Chcesz mie?‡ swoje rachunki za telefon, pr?…d, gaz, telewizj?™ i inne us?‚ugi zawsze pod r?™k?…?
Chcesz je op?‚aca?‡ jednym klikni?™ciem?
Zainstaluj Podr?™czn?… List?™ Rachunk??w serwisu
Web Exposed
May 29, 2009
The ultimate browser plug-in that shows you exactly what??™s going on behind the scenes for every web site, including the owner and related web sites.
access key akari
May 26, 2009
Add access key ( Alt + [A-Z] ) to bookmark tool bar
Google Document List View
May 23, 2009
It allows you to hava list of your google document from your side bar. You can manage and open file inside your browser. This version does not support folder and use google client login or oauth to access google docs.
May 13, 2009
An extension to help simplify the process of editing e-texts.
April 23, 2009
CanImage is a HUB for images in Firefox. It opens images from different sources (webpages, files, clipboard) and let you make basic modifications to them. Than, you can transfert it to many different places (file, clipboard, file inputs...).