Wikidot Toolbar Button
January 24, 2010
This adds a toolbar item to aid navigation of
Webmaster SAPE
January 17, 2010
Toolbar contains a set of functions, which expands the abilities of webmasters and optimizers, when working in the interface of SAPE and Uniplace exchange.
Halloween Theme and Extension w/ Surf Canyon search assistant
January 15, 2010
Halloween Holiday Boom: Includes links to Halloween sites and a sidebar with video. Theme even has flickering lanterns! Note: Bing will be set as the default search engines. You can always change your search provider, if needed!
Change Referer Button
January 08, 2010
Button in the toolbar/status bar to change referer value.
Second Search
January 06, 2010
Second Search provides a feature to search by other engines directly, without switching the engine of the web-search bar.
Meeting planner for Firefox
December 25, 2009
A free tool for finding common working hours across multiple time zones. Launch the meeting planner from your Firefox toolbar.
PR Frame
December 24, 2009
PRFrame is a tool providing access to multiple different internet resources that can be useful for PR professionals, beginners, and people who just curious about Public Relations.
Virallity Video
December 15, 2009
Virallity Video is the fast and easy way to organize and share videos with friends and see what videos your friends on Facebook & Twitter are enjoying.
Find To Center
December 12, 2009
It is displayed a find word by the screen center
Home Double Click Extension
December 07, 2009
Double Click Home Page. This add-on gives you the ability to have two home pages linked up to the home button. For example, clicking home once takes you to,, clicking home twice takes you to