December 31, 2009
dictCheck - Double click on any english word in a page to get the polish meaning. Uses fast online dictionary.
Simple and easy! Enjoy!
ChatZilla pl-PL
December 24, 2009
Polski pakiet j?™zykowy do ChatZilli.
December 14, 2009
Quick translate selected words or phrases using Vinilator Web??
DiCE Translator
December 03, 2009
Translate back and forth between English/Chinese with minimal effort.
Automatically guesses the most appropriate meaning within context.
Automatically separates block of Chinese text into meaningful phrases.
Pronunciation and pinyin included.
Quick TransLation (qtl)
November 24, 2009
Translation & more.
November 24, 2009
By moving the mouse cursor, a translation appears on the sidebar. FireDictionary finds the translation as a real-time operation when you move the mouse cursor...
ChatZilla fr-FR
November 16, 2009
This is French locale for ChatZilla IRC Client.
November 05, 2009
Basque dictionaries. Euskalbar is a Firefox toolbar that helps translating words from Basque to English, French, Spanish and Japanese, and from English, French, Spanish and Latin to Basque.
Gametranslations Portal - magyaritasok.hu
October 31, 2009
It shows the new translations made by the members of the Magyaritasok Portal.
Megmutatja a Magyar?t??sok Port??l leg??jabb ford?t??sait.
BabelFish Instant Translation
October 30, 2009
Most easy, highly customizeable, and quick Firefox translation interface: Provides two translation services and additional access to Google's dictionary!
Latest update: Check bottom link 'Older/other versions' !